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Holley-Navarre Fire District impact fees are used to pay for the cost of new facilities and equipment, the need for which is in whole or in part the result of new construction. The impact fees collected are kept separate from other revenues of the district and must be used exclusively to acquire, purchase, or construct new facilities or portions thereof needed to provide fire protection and emergency services to new construction.
New facilities means land, buildings, and capital equipment, including, but not limited to, fire and emergency vehicles, radiotelemetry equipment, and other firefighting or rescue equipment.
New residential & commercial structures within the Holley-Navarre Fire District are required to submit an Impact Fee Application and pay an impact fee.
“Residential Structures” shall be defined as single family detached houses, mobile homes, and multi-family dwelling units which are designed for occupancy by a single family and not customarily offered for rent, and accessory buildings, in excess of 1200 sq ft, constructed on the site with a Residential Structure.
“Commercial Structures” shall be defined as any building intended for occupancy by a business operation including, but not limited to, retail, office, professional services, banking, hotel/motel, warehouses, restaurants, fast food, personal services, industrial and healthcare services. Also included are apartments/condominiums for rent.
“Square Foot” means total square footage (TSF). Calculate length times width of each floor then total the square footage of all floors for TSF.
Should none of the above land uses adequately define a proposed non-residential development as determined by the District, at the District's discretion the following average charge per square foot of non-residential development is considered appropriate: $459.00 per 1,000 sq. ft.
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